Take Action

The last couple of blogs I have talked about coming out of denial, and admitting that there is something that is causing conflict in your life. Both of those are hard things to do. I remember so many times, saying I may be in denial, but there is nothing going on right now that is keeping me stuck! Yep, that IS denial. There is always something in my life I can be talking to God about. The day there isn’t must be the day I am in heaven with him and have my angel wings. But coming out of denial is hard. Sometimes it takes help. BUT GOD! I have asked God to reveal to me the areas of my life that are keeping me stuck, or are causing chaos, then I ask him to work with me to clean up those areas of my life. That requires ACTION!

If you have ever been to therapy (this is not therapy) it is likely that your therapist told you that for most people things get harder before they start to improve. If you decide to start working on your physical fitness, often times your first session you leave feeling “out of shape”. I use these examples to show you it is hard to take action and face the things that you have been denying and are now admitting have an impact on your life.

Therefore, like anything you need to make a plan, and have some accountability. Accountability is another word that can be very intimidating. I am an adult and I don’t like to be told what to do. I don’t like it when anyone tells me I am not doing something right, or points out my weaknesses. But without accountability I just keep doing things the way I do, and end up back in the same situation as before. It is time to see accountability for the GOOD it is. In recovery, I have several accountability friends. I call them when I start to get in my own way. I explain what I am struggling with and they can shine a light on something I am not seeing. They remind me of my plan, and sometimes work with me on my technique. Not because they are better than me, but because I have asked them to help me. WOW, that isn’t awful, that is encouraging!

Create a plan of action. Sometimes it is helpful to start at the end and work backwards. Keep the destination in mind, and see which path will get you there. If my goal was to lose 15 pounds, then I start by knowing what my goal is, and then evaluate the things I need to do to reach that goal. Then I share that plan with my accountability person and get to work.

Make adjustments when needed. Sometimes you will find that your plan wasn’t working. It could have been a great plan in mind, but reality is showing you that this plan just isn’t working in your life. Give yourself grace and make some adjustments. Maybe instead of calling your accountability person once a week, that needs to change to 3 times because you need more encouragement than you thought. Maybe that eating plan wasn’t working with your body, so you try something else. Adjustments are necessary, so give yourself grace.

Always rely on your higher power. Always means when times are easy, and when times are tough. Talk to God. Ask him for strength to get through one more minute, one more day, one more session. His plans are always better than ours so make sure you are including him in your plan.

If you want help creating an action plan, accountability to your plan, learning how to talk to God, or what it means to give yourself grace, I would be honored to coach you. Send a message for a free 15 minute consultation.


New Year-New You!


Ok, I admit it-Now What?