New Year-New You!

The start of the new year generally brings on New Year’s Resolutions. I have been guilty of making them and breaking them, and also not making them because I didn’t want to set myself up for failure. Only once in my life did I make a resolution and keep it. That was only because I had real motivation. In 2007 my dad has his first heart surgery and he was told he needed to quit smoking. I promised him I would quit to to help motivate him. I quit and he didn’t, but it was worth a try!

My point is that if you make a resolution and plan to keep it, evaluate your motivation and make sure that you have a plan of action. Change is a process and part of that process is preparation. There are actually 5 stages of change (precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance). The first stage, precontemplation, is that time when you aren’t even aware that you need a change and are likely content living just as you are. Contemplation is that time when you think maybe it’s time for a change but may still need some convincing. Then you finally decide to change and you should go into preparation mode.

It is my opinion that this is where we often mess up. We skip the preparation and we go right to action! Have you ever said, “I need to make this change so I’m going to make this resolution” and just go right to action. Without preparation or plan for the change PROCESS, you will likely hit challenges and make quick decisions that don’t work for you. You may not be prepared to make the adjustments needed or clearly see all of your options.

Taking action and maintaining the change can be HARD WORK! Going at things alone can add extra work, stress, and wear you out. When I have had major changes in my life like quitting smoking, drinking, and moving across the country I had supportive people around me who encouraged me through the tough times. They would strategize with me when plans needed to change, and they pointed me to Jesus Christ, my higher power, when I doubted myself. They also listened when I was hurting or afraid and allowed me to feel all of those feelings.

So, as you are contemplating change, actively working on those resolutions, or if you are ready to give up on making the change, find someone who can walk along side of you through your process. If you want help creating an action plan, and an accountability partner to walk the journey with you, sign up for a free 15 minute consultation and let’s talk about how New Beginnings Life Coaching can help you.


New Healthy Habits


Take Action