New Healthy Habits

Change is not easy. In fact it, it is uncomfortable and challenging. I have found that when I am not in chaos, or when I am bored, or even just relaxing my mind starts to wander back towards my unhealthy habits of eating junk food, diving into social media games, and even thinking about how mad I am that I can’t have a social drink like everyone else. I have a hard time just being at peace because so much of my life I thrived in chaos. It is uncomfortable for me to just sit silence.

I have found that replacing my bad habits with healthy habits is helpful. When my mind starts to wander towards my old life I like to listen to testimonies online and hear other’s share how their chaotic life was transformed into a glorious one.

My latest unhealthy obsession has been to spend hours playing games on my phone. That seems silly, but it is unproductive and has consumed so much of my time that it was becoming an addiction. Now, when I pick up my phone to play a game, I open up the bible ap and read God’s word to fill my mind with truth, and to stay connected to Him!

When I am not busy with work, I can get lonely at home so I will start to write or blog. Keeping focused on what is good in my life and not dwelling on what isn’t working as I have planned it, and remember that God’s plans are always perfect and much better than my own.

These are things that help me to stay on track. Find something that you enjoy, that brings you peace and replace the things that once served a purpose in your life but have become unhealthy.


Resting in Truth


New Year-New You!