Ok, I admit it-Now What?

When I was actively drinking, I knew I had a problem. When I first realized my drinking was out of control, I had admitted it to myself, and to the safest person I knew. The problem was, the reason that person was safe is because it was my codependent! This person was the one who loves me more than themself, this person was the one who would do anything to make me feel better about what was going on. This was the one person who would do anything to help me. So why did I just continue on my downward spiral? Why did I keep drinking? Why weren’t my problems going away? After all, the saying goes we are only as sick as our secrets. I told mine, so why wasn’t I getting better?

Looking back, I realize there were several problems with who, how, and why I admitted what I was struggling with. The first one was, I didn’t admit it to whom I needed to admit it to. Who I really needed to admit it to was the One who has the power and strength that we didn’t and never will have. My higher power, Jesus Christ is who I needed to admit to that I had become powerless over my addiction. You can insert what ever you are struggling with in the place of my addiction because this is a universal statement. You see after I had admitted to the person who was safe, I started admitting to other people as well. I even went to rehab making an outward confession to many people that my drinking was out of control and I couldn’t fix it on my own. I even remember going to brunch with a girlfriend whom I knew for a very long time telling her all about addiction and how it affected me and my life, and a month later, bam! I was back in my room drinking and hiding again.

The second problem of who I was admitting my addiction too, was everyone one I told, whom I was close had never navigated these waters before. They were always so kind, and patient or some even walked away because they didn’t know what to say or how to help. They were searching for answers just like I was. I know many people prayed for me, I know there were tons of conversations while I laid passed out in my bedroom about what I should do, but really we were ALL POWERLESS!

The steps of recovery don’t just apply to addiction. The steps of recovery apply to all of life’s hurts and struggles. For my loved ones, they were watching their alcoholic spiral out of control, and they were also desperately seeking control. Have you ever tried to control a situation so much that it consumed you? Isn’t it amazing what happens when you release control. The weight that is lifted off of your shoulders can give you just enough to take the next step toward healing.

For me, my New Beginning came when I admitted to God that I didn’t know what to do. That I needed his strength and power to heal me, my addiction, my relationships, and my family. For me, when I really truly admitted that, and trusted that God did have the power, then I had the strength to take the next step and put in the hard work towards healing. I had to ADMIT I was POWERLESS, and then TURNED it over to him. That was my job, then He took it from there.

Are you ready to admit what is hurting you, release control, and find your New Beginning? Turn to God, and then walk with someone who can relate to what you are going through. Find someone who will hold you accountable to keep surrendering your will and control back to Him!

This is my Why, for New Beginnings Life Coaching. To help and encourage others to keep turning to God, the one who has the power to move mountains, and part seas. Sometimes, people need a little extra help or coaching to make that step because when you are overwhelmed EVERYTHING can be overwhelming.


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