Change isn’t going to Just Happen, You have to Act!

In John chapter 5 we read about an “invalid” who had been dealing with his struggle for 38 years. Jesus asked him a very simple question that I ask every single person that I work with. Do you want to get well? I ask people who want to make a change in their lives, physical health, mental health, addiction, or any other struggle if they want to change. If you really want to change are you willing to do whatever it takes to make the change?

In John chapter 5:7 we see the man replying with an excuse, “when I try someone else goes ahead of me.” Maybe excuse seems like a harsh word. Maybe for some of you it is justification of why, or there are consequences or obstacles in your way. Well if you want to change you have to be willing to do whatever it takes. When the man took the action Jesus told him to in verse 8, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk”, he was healed.

I have made some some major life changes in my life. 15 years ago I quit smoking, nearly 3 years ago I quit drinking, and I have been talking about dealing with the issue of my weight for years. After I quit drinking sugary foods became a major part of my life. I went to the pink box cookie store on the regular. Dessert was a must every night, and mashed potatoes is my absolute favorite food ever! I have made the excuse for the last two years that I will focus on one issue at a time and alcohol was the issue. I’ve really struggled over the past few months wanting to change but unwilling to ADMIT my sugar addiction, and unwilling to take action. I would pray to God about it, but would say I want to stop, I want to lose weight, I want to be healthy, say Amen and then go on with my day as usual. I made the decision two weeks ago I was going to take action, threw out/gave away everything sugar in my home and have prayed to God every day to lead my steps, take away my cravings, and to help me through each day.

I am 10 days clean of this new way of life and so far feel great. I have seen a very small movement on the scale which is great because I didn’t gain the weight in 10 days so I don’t expect to lose it in that time either. My personal action step led me to remind you, that if you want to change, you have to take action. Prayer is great, reading self-help books can be inspiring, but if you want to really change YOU have to want it, and you have to be willing to do whatever it takes, and then you need to take action.

I am happy to work with you on creating a plan, review the reasons why you haven’t, and consider the options for removing the obstacles and dealing with consequences and excuses. But, only if you are the one who wants to change, willing to do what it takes, and take the action of scheduling an appointment. What you will get from me is honest/real talk, prayer, accountability, and structure! You will set your goal and put in the work to make it happen.


Resting in Truth