
Denial is the refusal of reality. It’s often a coping mechanism to keep you safe from the real situation that you are in. How often do you deny your emotions, your pain, your thoughts, and even your needs. If you are in denial how can you be in truth?

As a young mom, I denied myself basic needs as a way of getting through the day. I didn’t sleep well, I didn’t eat well, I was always putting the needs of everyone in my life above my own. Back then I would never admit that to anyone! I had to prove to the world that I could do it all. I could be the wife, mom, volunteer, employee, sister, daughter, friend that everyone wanted me to be and I lost who I was meant to be.

Reality was NO ONE ASKED ME TO BE PERFECT! No one told me I had to do all of those things. No one told me I had to have it all together. In fact when people tried to tell me differently I couldn’t look past my own need for perfection and led myself down this dark and lonely road.

Denial led me to become a perfectionist and to control people, places, and things. Denial led me to alcoholism and codependency. Denial led me to complete lack of self confidence on the inside while I portrayed full confidence to the world. Denial was my enemy!

The good news is you do not have to remain in denial! It is not easy to face, and I do not suggest facing it alone. That doesn’t mean you have to tell everyone you know your deepest innermost secrets, but you can tell God. He’s the ultimate comforter and the one who will lift you up. You can confide in a trusted person who will share truth with you and help you see the reality that you may have been unable to see.

If you want help discovering your blind spots, working through areas of denial, or even just admit something you are struggling with, please reach out for help with a New Beginning.

We can schedule a free 15 minute consultation to discuss what a New Beginning might look like for you.


Why God?